Monday, January 10, 2011


 Well here we are, almost done with our first week of 2011.  As I was listening to the new Girl Talk album All Day which by the way, I can't stop listening to, I realized that i didn't even bother with a making note of my top albums of 2010.  I haven't been listening to too much new music, which is too bad.  But with school and work and life, I just haven't been as free as I used to be.  So here are some albums that came out this year that I'm really enjoying. And this is just my opinion.  I by no mean think my music snobbery is better than yours.  These just happened to be the albums that came out in the last year that I have listened to a lot and like a lot and think are some of the best of 2010.

That being said, I have also added a list of albums that I bet are great, but I just haven't had a chance to listen to much.  For me, an album is great when you can listen to it a lot and continue to want to listen to it a lot.  That doesn't mean listen to it at any point during the day-certain music fits certain moods better than others.  And again, my opinion isn't the only one out there. 

Big Boi Sir Lucious Left Foot: the Son of Chico Dusty
I am no expert on hip hop, nor do I pretend to be one.  However, I have always loved Outkast.  Here we are with a solo album from Big Boi that is not only creative, catchy and danceable, it is HUGE! 
And Big Boi really throws down. His lyrics are unreal! Plus, there are a lot of guests on this album and according to him-he makes "freaky" music.  I don't disagree.

Beach House  Teen Dream  
Have you listened to this album?  If you have, I don't need to explain why it made my list.  If you haven't-let me explain.  This album is full of droney keyboards, haunting guitar riffs and the unreal, unmatched vocals of Victoria Lagrand.  When I first picked this up (recommended by none other than Mr. Race) i listened to it on repeat for like 2 days.  In fact, when I walked out of the record store and popped it into the CD player in A's car, I had to drive around the city and listen to the album in full before I could head home.  It was spring time, and the weather was changing and between the smooth *music* of the album and her voice/unreal lyrics, I couldn't help but clarify right then and there that it would make this list.

Delorean Subiza
A got me this album over the summer (i think?)  Ive been in a real electronic, low-fi stuff lately.  It just makes me feel good.  This album is really great and brings me back to my younger years, when finding a fun party was my number 1 (or 2) priority.  It is exactly the type of album I would have playing during a party-not necessarily a kegger, but more like a group of my 20 closest friends getting together to chat and drink and dance enjoy one another. 

Janelle Monae The Archandroid
Janelle Monae, where have you been all my life?  This catchy-poppy-SciFi album blows the roof off of a lot of what Ive heard this year.  My Buddy Jon told me about this album a while back, and even encouraged me to get tickets to her show long before I heard the album.  And I was a fool, and did not get a ticket....he is still saying I told you so.  She is amazing.  the voice, the look, the funk....all so good. I just like how one second I'm in the Motown filled 50's and the next I'm on Mars or something. Rad. Give it a listen!

Gorillaz Plastic Beach
While I have never been a HUGE Gorillaz fan, I've always appreciated their music.  It is pretty unique, and for that I think they are pretty good.  This new album has some cool stuff going on.  There is a musical theme (a motif, if you will) that continues to come back throughout the album. It is that of something you may find in a piece of classical music.  I think it makes for a really smart album, as well as catchy, and rhythm driven.

LCD Soundsystem This is Happening
I know some people who are too snobbish to understand how great this album is.  I think there are people out there that either don't get it, or are too stuck in the ways/didn't hear it first, thus say they don't like this album.  I feel that this is like saying you don't like Rubber Soul.  I mean, you don't have to *love* the Beatles to see that they are significant, and changed music, and helped other bands find a sound for themselves.  While I *don't* think that LCD Soundsystem are as significant as the Beatles, I do think they are an important piece to what is musical history today.  That's my dish on LCD Soundsystem.

Local Natives Gorilla Manor
I love this band.  They may be boring/cliche to some of you, but I happen to like them a lot.  I really love CSNY, and local natives remind me of a modern day version of that.  I love the harmonies, I love the percussive driven sound, and I love the haunting guitar licks.  I wrote a review here after I saw them live last Spring.  Call me what you'd like, hipster, trendy, blah blah.  I could say the same/similar for just about any artist right now.  Just try me :)

Arcade Fire The Suburbs
I really love this band.  Each album has something different and amazing to offer.  Funeral really moved me, maybe because of the time in my life when it came out.  This album (while Ive only heard it all the way through about 4 times) definitely gives me a certain feeling, which morphs throughout the album.  I think as we get older we start to look at life a little differently.  This album, being about the Suburbs, has got me thinking about my life-both currently, and the future plans I have.

Girl Talk All Day
Girl talk is amazing.  Some may say that mashups aren't real music ability or skill, but I could argue that all day long.  No one else thinks of making music like this.  It goes way above and beyond some simple sampling.  there are just so many levels of music and tempos and rhythms and lyrics.  Brilliant.  I challenge anyone who feels the music is unoriginal and/or the idea that "anyone can do it" to try it out.  Try finding songs across several genres/time periods/styles/tempos/etc and make them sound good either layered or strung together, or both.  Not so simple....

And that is that.  That is how I feel about the last year in music.  And as promised, here is a list of Albums I haven't had the chance to fuller get a feel for, but from what I've heard, I like.
Flying Lotus-Cosmogramma
Wavves-King of the Beach
The Walkmen-Lisbon
Crystal Castles-Crystal Castles
Best Coast-Crazy for You
Robyn-Body Talk pt 1
Gil Scott-Heron- I'm New Here
Woods-At Echo Lake
Sufjan Stevens-the Age of Adz
Hot Chip-One Life Stand
Erykah Badu-New Amerykah pt 2: Return of the Ankh
The Roots-How I got Over

See ya later, friends!

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