Wednesday, January 26, 2011


 Meet my cousin, Rob Hoff.  Rob grew up in Wisconsin, but about 12 or so years ago, he moved out west to Jackson Wyoming. 

Growing up, all I wanted in life was to be like my brother and my cousins, Tim and Rob (Tim and Corey are the same age-32, Rob is 35)

They were way into BMX when we were kids.  BMX and skiing, and snowboarding, and snowmobiling and pretty much anything that a 8 year old tomboy thought was amazing, but couldn't do.  But I tried....

Anyhow, Rob is now living the dream in Wyoming.  He and his wife own and run a co-op, he has his own carpentry business in which he and his team make green-friendly homes made from as much local product as possible.  He also happens to be a professional extreme snowmobiler.  And he is really good.
I happened to be looking at his FB page today, you know, to check on how my cousin is doing.

I came upon this poster of him.  I remember buying posters like this as a kid and hanging them on my walls, as if it were enough inspiration to make me somehow get good at these extreme sports that you couldn't really do in Milwaukee.

And after a little google search, I find these posters of my cousin. The same kind of posters that I was inspired by are now making little kids all excited that someday maybe they can be extreme too. 

That's pretty cool, hey?

Below is my cousin Tim.  Tim also lives in Wyoming and runs a bike shop.  He recently built his first "Hoff Frame" a 29'er that I'd love to take out to theo wirth.  He promised me he'd build me one if I could make it out to Wyoming to pick it up.  What the hell am I waiting for...

read more about Rob here and also, watch this video of him on his sled.  pretty fucking Rad.

Happy inspirational Wednesday!


  1. this is an awesome post. :) i remember there being just a few posters in your room. :)

  2. can tell a lot about a kid by what posters they hang in their room. i had duran duran and bruce springsteen...oh, and maybe just one poison poster!
