Monday, March 7, 2011

Gopher for Life!!

Well friends, it's official.  I got accepted into the U of M's College of Education and Human Development!  HoOOORAY!  I'm so very excited about the news.  In fact, I cried a beautiful tear of maroon and gold.  But really folks, I'm so damn excited!  I applied for this program (to get a Master's in Education(Social Studies) and get a teaching license) in December, but I have been thinking about doing it for like 2 years.  I got my acceptance letter today and I jumped up and down in my empty office. 
I can't wait to be back on campus (if you know me at all, you are blown away by this statement) with all the co-eds wandering about.  It will be lovely to not be an undergrad, but still get to have the excuse of being a student.  And the program is 14 months long, so I'll be done before I know it! (I hope...)
My parents are so proud.  who knew I had it in me.  seriously.  And just to make you all smile on this grey Monday, below is a gorgeous photo of my Mom and I from my undergrad graduation back in 2005.  Check out those dreads, maaaan.
Happy Monday!  Or happy Monday for ME anyways!!!!!!

photos: Goldy    u of m    bridge


  1. THOSE dreads!!!!!!!! Cannot even imagine it. (I whip my hair back and forth...)

    Congrats!! So proud!! Love you!!

  2. I remember that day. :) And *I* knew you had it in you! I think just a few others did too. :) Can't wait to meet up on campus for "business lunches."
