Wednesday, March 16, 2011

breakfast happiness

Happy Wednesday friends.  It's break week at my work (that means for a week, no kids, just paper work time.)  Break week means things chill out a bit, and we get to do things like watch movies (related to Autism) and eat popcorn and get paid for it.  Also, it gives me a chance to make a good breakfast. 

Today I had some time, so I brought a veggie sausage patty, hard boiled egg, 2 mini new potatoes, some cheese, some MN hydroponic lettuce, and a whole wheat tortilla.
 I cooked up the potato, and sausage and melted the cheese on the tortilla. 
 add a pinch of salt and pepper and there ya go.  an awesome breakfast burrito.
 It was so so good. 
Man, I really do love me a good breakfast.  Dare I say it may be my favorite meal?  That might be a little drastic.


  1. seriously, can you come to my house every morning, please??? pretty please?

  2. Maybe we need the birds to come over to OUR place for brunch one of these weekends?
