Thursday, April 7, 2011

Today in Rock (or jazz, or pop vocals)

 Hello Friends!  One more quick post before I hit the air for Florida. Let's talk about the importance today in rock/jazz/pop vocals history.  It was this day back in 1915 that the great Billie Holiday was born.  Holiday (known as Lady Day to her friends) changed the sound of vocal (IMO) forever.  Holiday co wrote some real classics, such as  God Bless the Child, Strange Fruit (which is one of the most raw/emotional protest songs ever) Lady Sings the Blues, etc.  
Holiday, like many incredibly talented musicians/singers/songwriters suffered from long term drug abuse.  She was arrested more than once, and struggled with heroine, among other things.  This eventually led to her death in 1959.  Her sad life story led to some very real/heart felt music, using the blues as her catalyst.  Not to mention her very distinctive voice.
 When I was a kid, my mom really loved Billie Holidays music.  I remember when CD's were still new, chipping in with my brother to buy her the box set.  I didn't know most of the songs, but enjoyed listening with her.  I didn't completely understand everything being said, but I knew that it affected my mom deeply.  (sorry....just a little memory for you). 

(all photos/clips from either youtube or wikipedia)

On that note, HAPPY FRIDAY JUNIOR! and have a fun weekend :)

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