Monday, April 4, 2011

Vinyl Goldmine!

Hello Friends.  This past weekend, A and I spent a night in beautiful Stillwater MN (more on that later.)  On our way, we spotted this little salvation army boutique.  Little did I know that this place was going to greatly enhance my vinyl collection.

 Because A loves to thrift so much, I get to see a lot of vinyl collections.  Usually I will find 1 somewhat decent album that I could use.  I was hoping to walk away with 1 or 2 new albums, because this store had about 6 boxes I was going to go through.  After the first box, I found 1 album that I *may* have bought had I not looked through the second box, whioch was tucked under a table and dusty as all get up.  I started looking through teh box and within a minute or so, I knew I had falled upon something amazing. Here was a box of albums that must have not yet been looked through.  There were PLENTY of gems in there and I couldnt beleive what I was getting my hands on.  Below are the albums I selected.  These were the very best and because I didn't want to spend all my pay check pn vinyl, I stopped looking after another box or two.
Nina Simone, Fleetwood Mac (tusk), Simon and Garfunkel (bookends) Led Zeppelin (II) Rolling Stones (beggers banquet and Exile on Main Street, Stevie Wonder (songs in the key of life) Elton John (goodbye Yellow Brick Road), Beatles (white Album), Bob Dylan (Nashville Skyline).
Seriously, I cazn't wait to just be at home so I can take time listening to these!
Like i said, more on stillwater in a bit!


  1. stillwater, right? i love that town! great pictures!

  2. nice! we need to have a record party.
