Friday, June 3, 2011

the list #9

Hey Guys.  It's Friday, it's hot as shit out, and I'm just about to leave the office for the weekend.  But I couldnt leave without giving you #8 on the LIST!  Number 8 is all about a song that you can dance to!

there are millions of songs to dance to, but whenever A and I are *just about* ready to head out for the night, we often throw this on the record player and have a mini dance party. 

who doesn't love MJ.  And if you want a treat, YouTube the Dancing with the Stars episode where mark and that little Shawn rock the fuck out to this song....

Happy Friday to my PYT.... and all my friends.

1 comment:

  1. the kiddies and i love rocking out (we call it crazy dancing) to If I Ever Leave This World Alive by the Flogging Mollies and Dog Days are Over by Florance and the Machine.
