Tuesday, July 27, 2010

just a little recap

Hooray for Fish Lake! We had a blast last weekend, just relaxing and being care free. Enjoy just a few of the highlights.

Highlight 1. Not being on 94E the whole drive-we got to take a different WI Hwy. This made the drive FAST.

Highlight 2. dozens of kittens. Amanda's grandpa still lives on the lake in a house behind the cabin. He enjoys the company of cats, and these kitty's have gone wild! There are tons of them (mainly inbred.... :( ) but some to most are cute. a few (like rat-face, fuck-face and ginger) have funny eyes/faces. entertaining.

Highlight 3. the boat house porch-so nice to just relax and read or whatever while having a nice view down of the lake.
Highlight 4 (and maybe my favorite thing) Ray's Closeout! Imagine a surplus type store filled with crap you might find in your grandma's basement. That is Ray's closeout. Combs, batteries, fishing lines, ugly,pink,fluffy toilet seat covers, chap stick from 1993, fake flowers, Mexican flags, john deer tshirts, ridiculous perfume that smells like a Lutheran church potty and so much more. Below are pictures of Amanda and I in Ray's.
Highlight 5. El Jefe. We found a GIANT can of energy drink/malt liquor called El Jefe. It was graped flavor death and we used it in our version of "drinking Yahtzee!"

Highlight 6. fishing-Cayla-Amanda-Sara style...fish try hooking the worms, but them giving up and straight up dropping them in the lake and beating on which worm survives the longest.

Highlight 7. Ree's Taco Dip....need I say moreHighlight 8. Wearing bright yellow basketball shorts, a kelly green tshirt, my dad's old flannel, a fedora and some argyle socks and feeling legit.

Highlight 9. the 4 o'clock bell when the wave runners can no longer create waves

Highlight 10. spending the weekend with best friends. It is nice to have a little summer ritual that involves just reading, laying, cooking and eating. And lots of chit chat, of course. Thanks for a fun weekend, ladies!