Friday, July 23, 2010

Fish Lake Mix!!!

Happy Friday and HOORAY! I'm going to a cabin for the weekend! Obviously I'm pretty excited about this little trip. I just can't wait to have nothing to worry about for 3 days. Anyhow, This mix is just a good mix-no real theme other than songs I like. I hope you enjoy it as well. A handful of these songs are newer to me, so I hope the mesh well together.

OK, Enjoy!!!

1. Book of Right On-Joanna Newsom. I really like Joanna Newsom. She has such a unique voice and I think her songs are very well written. Who uses a harp in the way she does? No one else-that's great. I also really like the Roots remix of this song (Right On-The Roots)

2.So Far Around the Bend-The National. I've just recently given this band a second listen. When I heard their album The Boxer a handful of years back, i just didn't care too much for it-maybe I didn't get it, or maybe I was too busy with the stuff I was already listening to. Some Indie Rock just goes in one ear and out the other for me. But now that they have a new album coming out that is getting great reviews (and the fact that my girlfriend really likes this band) I decided to give it another listen. I like this sound off of Dark was the Night.

3. Get Myself Into it-The Rapture. I love this song. It always makes me get excited and want to dance a little bit. I first heard it when it was put on (one of my favorite)mixes from Race. And then I bought their album and have been loving it since.

4. Ragged Wood-Fleet Foxes. I really love this song. And this band. It is just really great music!
Ive said this about this band before, but I just love how they harmonize everything so beautifully. Thinking about sitting on top of a boat house playing cards and smoking grits and relaxing is what inspired me to put this song on the mix today. 5. Love Sick-Lindstrom & Christabelle. I can not get enough of this song. It has been on heavy rotation on our music station (89.3 the current) and for once, I'm not upset about that. In fact I get excited every time I hear it. I didn't even know what it was called or who it was by until I decided to put it on here. Enjoy!

6. The Reeling-Passion Pit. Passion Pit does it for me (most of the time.) I like the mix of live and electronic instruments. It gives a really nice vibe. The drum beats are just so tight and slick! This song is another that gets me wanting to dance. you too?

7. Rhino Love-Sunny Levine. I heard this song the other day on my Pandora and loved it! It is more on the mellow side, but in a wonderful way. This guys has a very soothing voice. I'm going to have to look into his music to see if I like more than just this song, or if you have heard of him, let me know what you think?

8. Litszomania-Phoenix. My favorite pop song of the last 10 years, by far. I think about all the other great pop songs that have come out and yes, I love me some Crazy in Love and Pokerface but this song is 100% pure gold. And I love it!

9. O la la- Goldfrapp. So I'm a dork and follow Tegan and Sara on Twitter and they always talk about Goldfrapp. So i finally gave it a listen and it is AWESOME. I hope you feel the same. She has a great voice-it is very danceable and (not that this should affect the music at all...) she is HOTTT. Hope you like it. I may need to go pick up an album.
10. Seasun-Delorean. So Amanda got me this Delorean Album for my birthday (which is still 2 weeks away) and i haven't been able to stop listening to it. So i looked into some of their other albums and they are ALSO killer pieces of work. This song is just uplifting (to me) and makes me feel good.
11. Numbers Don't Lie-Mynabirds. A has been talking about the Mynabirds for sometime. This is (of course...) their radio hit-all i could find on this mixtape program-but it is wonderful. what a wonderful voice she has! Another album I will have to give a listen to.
12. The Stranger-St. Vincent. St Vincent is pretty cool. I think it is very unique-almost vaudevillian, but then again not really....if that makes sense. It has this old-timey feel mixed with the beats of today (aren't I a cheeseball...) that makes it pretty different from anything else. I love how this song kicks it into overdrive halfway through. And the flutes just keep going.
13. Remind Me-Royksoop. Another group I had never heard of. These two guys are from Norway and make great electronic music. Royksoop (as i learned today) means literally "smoke mushroom" interesting, hey? His voice is again, very relaxing. I like that!
14. Band of Gold-Freida Pain. This is just a classic from my collection. I like this song a lot. It is so sad, but the music is pretty upbeat. Songs like this interest me, because unless you are really listening (which some people do not do) you would not know that the song tells a sad tale of losing love. Motown is where it is at!
Well guys, Like I said, I am out for the weekend, but expect pictures upon my return. I hope you all have a very relaxing weekend!

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