Friday, June 11, 2010

Weekend Mix...with no better name

What is with the weather. All day on Wednesday they talked about how Thursday would be rainy. and it never rained. I woke up in the middle of the night last night to some CRAZY thunder, it was POURING when I was trying to take the dogs out, still pouring when I changed out of bike clothes and decided I would drive, and now the damn sun is out. How you trick my Mother Nature.
Anyhow, It is Friday and you know what that means...NEW MIX! So continuing with my new system, this weeks mix has not real theme, other than songs I like and I think sound good together. I hope you agree.

1. Paper Thin Walls- Modest Mouse. Modest Mouse may just be my favorite band. Especially old stuff like this. I fell in love with them good and hard as soon as I started listening. This song is a nice example of upbeat music with still a little bit of downer lyrics (Modest Mouse is real good at this.) I'm not sure exactly how to describe what I feel when I hear their tunes. It is almost like you have to "get it" to enjoy their music, but then that makes me sound like a music snob (which I can be) but there is something going on underneath the music.
2. Help I'm Alive (Acoustic)- Metric. Metric is awesome. Emily Haines is something else on stage. Anyhow, I found this acoustic version of this song and love it. I really like how her voice and the lyrics are just so damn clear and moving (the lyrics on this song are great.) And the Piano is wonderful. See them live, if you ever get a chance.

3. Gypsy-Fleetwood Mac. I dunno, Stevie Nicks just does it for me. I really like this song. I really like Fleetwood Mac. And Rumors is pretty much a perfect album. In my top 100 of all time, for sure. Have you ever seen this music video? priceless.
4.Where it's At-Beck. I heard this song for the first time in a few years the other day. It made me pretty happy. When this first came out our friends made up our own version that still makes me laugh to think about (not that funny to those who weren't there, I'm afraid)

5.Alligator-Tegan and Sara. This is off their new album. I really like this song. It sort of sounds like old school Madonna to me, in a really good way. You know why I like these gals, this song applies-good lyrics, good vocals, good music, hot gals. 6. Quiet Houses-Fleet Foxes. There is a reason why these guys were so big when they came out, because they are amazing. These guys really opened the door for other bands. Their harmonies, and guitar licks are something out of the past, which I like. I also like the break halfway through the song that sort of changes the vibe, but not enough to notice, unless you are thinking about it....if that makes sense. 7. Good to Sea-Pinback. I discovered this band last year...I know, I'm way late here. But man, I am glad that I did finally find them. I think their music is pretty much PERFECT for a cloudy day. They are one of the few bands I can say that about and not mean it in a depressing way. I still don't know a ton of their collection, but what I do know, I like.

8. Taper Jean Girl-Kings of Leon. When I first heard this album I played it about 6 times in a row. And then played it 6 more times. I think Aha Shake Heartbreak is also a near perfect album. everything from the vocals, to the drums, to the lyrics, to the grittiness makes me real happy. I'm chair dancing right now.....

9. Evil-Interpol. It seems to be an Interpol kind of day. I like how their songs are always building and building until the last seconds of the song. It keeps me interested. It is never boring. That is why I like Interpol. And I look forward to hearing their new album.

10. Theologians-Wilco. This song has been in my head all week. I thought it appropriate to add it to this mix. For a very long time I did not like Wilco. I still don't know why (well, I kind of do. I have a friend from HS that beats the dead horse until is it rotten and smelly. Whether it was SNL, the Ali G show, or Wilco, most things that he liked I ended up NOT liking because he pushed it so hard all the time. I love the kid, and I have moved past such silliness, but at the time it drove me f*ing crazy!) Now I really love Wilco, for many reasons Ive probably already talked about (ie-their mix between country, classic rock and many other thing being one of those reasons). I am glad I was able to hear them through different, and accepting ears.

11. My Moon, My Man-Feist. Another artist I did not really get into until I met Amanda. This particular song really gets me going (especially when I hear it in my car-I turn it up real loud and sing it out!) Her voice is real hot, especially with piano thumping away in the background then hitting the quick triplets). For some reason, it makes me think of a cool Fall Friday night and I mean that in a great way.12. Fancy Claps-Wolf Parade. Another band I very much love. I haven't listened to them in a long time and then heard this song and got thrown back to 2006 or so. Good stuff. I like his voice and I know some people who really don't like his voice. This song really pushes and drives me. It keeps me on my toes. And I feel my drumming is somewhat influenced by these guys.

13. The District Sleeps Alone Tonight- the Postal Service. This is still my favorite song off of this album. I remember the first time I heard it and my insides got butterflies. I think it is beautiful. And the lyrics are beautiful and the strings(even if they are synth and fake) are beautiful. Plus, there are DOPE beats all over this thing. Makes me want to learn how to make music via my computer and a keyboard. I think I could come up with some really cool beats.

ok guys, thats it. I'm gonna try and get these things a little longer in the future, I just need to find the time....Happy weekend and stay dry!

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