Thursday, June 3, 2010

At least there's still Betty

It has been a rough couple of years for these gals, as all but Betty White have passed away. Thank goodness Betty is back on top, hosting SNL and such.

Learning this news today (it came from 2 separate friends whom know how much i LOVE the Golden Girls and maybe even love it themselves) actually brought out a handful of different emotions. Let me explain....

When I was a kid I spent a lot of time hanging out with my Grandma's. Both of them were awesome, although I didn't get a chance to know either well enough (my Grandma Shirley dies when I was in Kindergarten and my Grandma Lorraine died when I was in 6th grade.)

I vividly remember watching this great show with both Grandma's on many occasions. Sitting in my Grandma Shirley's breezeway on a big old couch, with a weird wire-like TV table just a few feet away. Obviously the porch TV wasn't the best in the house, but the boys always got the basement TV and my Grandpa wasn't keen on a 5 year old playing/watching TV in his bed.
Anyhow, my grandma would come in on check on me, realize that the boys were leaving me out again, and sit down to enjoy a scene of cheesecake at 3am and funny Grandma-ish jokes that I didn't understand. She always laughed.
See back then it wasn't about the show, it was about spending time with my Grandma. So learning this news really brought me back and made me think about my Grandma's, which I like. I really do miss them sometimes (mainly when I think about it.....) Years later, Golden girls hit Lifetime television in a block with Unsolved Mysteries. I spent ENDLESS hours watching these shows from age 12-(roughly)19. Days home from school-Lifetime, weekend mornings-Lifetime. Summers without a job when I was still you, LIFETIME! So as you can see, I was into it.
I often imagined myself all old and stuff living with my friends, hanging out on the lanai. I thought about which Golden Girl I would be. And still, I'm not too sure. Maybe Sophia, she had some crazy spunk. no, I'm not a Sophia. Anyhow...I'm sure you guys have thought about it too. If you are feeling it, leave a comment about which GG you would be.
Anyhow, talking about Rue...Hilarious. Blanche, while a little slutty and vixen like,was totally funny in her own way. She made us remember that just because you're a little older, doesn't mean you aren't attracted to people, and by attracted, I mean want to sleep with them. She got frustrated with Rose, in the cute/funny way (similar to my tree-ness getting frustrated with A's butterfly-ness) and you really were never surprised with what she was doing/thinking/saying/attempting to sleep with. I'm glad I got to know the show again as an older person. real good. So, Here is my shout out to Rue. Well done, Madam. We will miss you!

1 comment:

  1. i just bought season 1 and laugh so hard every episode.
