Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ticking away the Moments....

Here's to another Tuesday, friends.  I like my Tuesdays.  I go to work and then to the High School, which I am really enjoying.  Then I head home, do homework and either head to Zach's, or have a free night (which is uncommon.)

Yes, you read correctly, I am currently taking classes and have had a lot of homework.  What I mean by homework is a lot of reading assignments.  See, during my undergrad, I didn't always do the reading.  of course I had the books, and would use them as references if I did need them.  But I mainly went to class, listened to lectures and took notes. 

Now that I am doing this online classes thing, it is pretty different for me.  There are no lectures, just discussions via the Internet and a whole shit ton of readings.  I have my first quiz this week, which I hope will help me figure out if I need to pay more attention to details while reading, or if I can skim while reading a bit more.  we will see....

Anyhow, what I am trying to get at, is that with this new addition to my life (yes, classes....not a baby)  I am having a hard time prioritizing my time.  What I want to be doing.....
What I am actually doing....
To be honest, I am enjoying the school thing, and if you know me at all, you know that I tend to enjoy being overly busy....but I haven't really gotten into the full routine yet.  I was stressing out all day at work yesterday that I was behind in my readings for my Psychology 1001.  And now I'm starting to realize a few things; first off, dumb boys who drink keg beer every night and skip class all the time pass classes like Psych 1001.  Secondly, who am I kidding....I have a BA, I have worked with kids with ASD for 5 1/2 years.  I think I have a basic understanding of psych, and really there is no way I won't do reasonably well in this class.  I just need to stop stressing out.  You know what stressing out does?  It stresses out the people around you.  And you know what those people around you do?  They get annoyed.frustrated/short tempered with you.  And you know what that leads to?  sleeping on the couch (this is just a hypothetical, guys.  I did not sleep on the couch last night....) 
Sometimes I forget to slow down my mind and relax.  I'm real good at telling others to look at the big picture, and just remain calm.  But I don't always take my advice.  So that is my goal for the week/month/time being.  I need to start applying the really good advice I have for others to my own life.
I think it is a really good idea to sometimes stop and recognize that people are always evolving (hopefully improving) and with that comes self reflection and change.  But you have to want to change, because or else you arent really going to get anywhere.
ok, those are my words of wisdom for the day.

Hope you all are having a nice week.

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