Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday bike picnic

A and I had a lovely weekend.  One of the highlight-a bicycle picnic by the river.  We made a few snacks (a made tuna pasta salad for her, I made a green salad for me, and we both enjoyed some grapes, carrot sticks and ranch and chips.)
We rode down 37th st towards the river from our house and locked up when we got to the parkway.
We found a trail, so we followed it and before we knew it, we were up on a plateau with some really nice sunlight, so we stopped and threw down our blanket.

It was just so beautiful out!  There was also a guy sitting up there with a pug and a frenchie.  Both were way cute.

Because we forgot to bring a book or magazine, and the only "reading material" in my bag was  a map, A took a peak at what Minneapolis really looks like and answered a few of her own questions about what neighborhood is where.  All in all, we had a fabulous little picnic.

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