Tuesday, December 21, 2010

the gift of giving....trash bags

 Happy Tuesday!  One more day closer to a LOOOONG weekend filled with family and friends and home cooked meals and drinking at Tosa bars.  Ahhhh. I love the Holidays. 

Last weekend I had to finish up some holiday shopping for my brother (Corey) and his fiance (Jessica).  Shopping for my brother is kind of easy, because we have a lot of similar tastes, but kind of hard because he can be picky. 

I had also heard that Andy from Trash Bags had a little pop up shop at Angry Catfish on Saturday.  I was out riding on Friday night and enjoyed the road conditions, so I geared up (after cleaning the hell out of the apartment....when your partner is gone for 4 days, you can really trash a place pretty easily without trying...)  and headed over.
There were a handful of people there when I got there, however a lot of what Andy brought to sell had already been sold.  BUT, I managed to find some goodies, and take a look at his new backpack design.
Below are the gifts I purchased for my Bro and his fiance.  The tool pouch is for Corey-as he is a bike mechanic and I dunno if he has one.  The wastebasket (hip pouch) is for Jess.  I have one and LOVE it.  So nice for rides in which you do not need to bring much.  or going to a chow and you don't want a big bag with you.  I also use mine for races a lot, however I dunno if my soon-to-be sister in law will do alley cats.
The things I like about Andy's bags are that the guy is just so nice and friendly.  A few summers ago, Amanda ordered a custom backpack with a bare/winter tree on it.  This was one of his first backpacks.  And shortly after making mine, he tried different styles, which he stuck with.  So basically, my pack is very one of a kind.  I have never seen one like it out there, but Andy says there are a few.  Anyhow, while Amanda ordered it for me, and was in quiet cahoots with Andy because it was a birthday gift.  I didn't really meet the guy until after it was made, however every time I see him, he is just so pleasant to talk with.  And this makes me love his product even more.  I have used my backpack all over the place and I love it. It is pretty big, but it is great for winter when I have a lot of gear.  I have also traveled with it and it really holds up well.  Anyways, check out his shop if your looking for a local Mpls made pack-again, made with craftsmanship, and *love*.
And just a little view of how Mpls snow is treating us.....
There is just so much right now, I'm not sure what they are going to do with it if we get more!

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